Monday, February 24, 2014

Dragons Are Not Fun

Well, last time I checked in, I was having trouble with After Effects FX, and last Friday I think I may have completely overloaded the After Effects program with the size of the file. Once again today my original storyboard idea did not work out, so I had to go back and re story board a certain part of my animation. This project has become an obsessive hobby and I hope to make my animations look better and better. Here is the test render of my animation, I had to put it in a lower quality to have it render out properly. The last few frames have not been completely edited yet, but should be done tomorrow. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wait... A Minute!?

The first victory dance has just happened, I am now over a minute into my animation (and now even closer to 2 minutes!) It is coming along very well. I am still editing, but right on schedule. The use of optical flares will be the "main attraction" of my animation. I have actually just finished the dedication page at home just to get it out of the way. I hope you guys enjoy!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Warning: Fire

Came into school today to work on my animation and let me tell you, the FX on After Effects are tough. I have a scene where there is supposed to be fire, and the fire decided to just stay in a little box. I literally played with that for two hours, then there is a scene before that, that needs a transition. It has been a VERY successful week, I am actually a whole week ahead of schedule! I hope to come back on Tuesday with some Photoshop files that will help me get through the project next week. Thank you so much Mr. Neterville for letting me come in today!
my file will not upload, I will see if it will work on Tuesday, sorry everyone :(

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Storyboard as You Go

Well, the storyboards to this project will never end. I feel like every time I work on my project I end up storyboarding something completely different than what I had before. This is a good thing and a bad thing because I can get fresh ideas now that I can look at my project so far, but bad because you never know what difficulties you will have with your new idea. Yes, you do need to plan for an animation, but you do not have to do every exact thing you draw out. Here is a link to my animation so far. (Video still will not work on my Blogger.) Hope you enjoy.

My weeks progress

Here is my project so far. Up to the smoke it is completely edited, any parts after that are still in the editing process. This week has been very successful for me, I am almost a week ahead of my outline and feel the project is going well. I am having problems putting my storyboard ideas onto the screen. Yesterday was the 7th time I have had to re-storyboard and hopefully the last time.  I hope the project is looking great. ***Mr. Netterville if you have any comments or suggestions please let me know so I can get onto the next part as quickly as possible.*** Thanks and hope you enjoy!

(My videos still will not load with blogger. Sorry.)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Snow Days Means New Outline

Being out of school for almost a week is a major set back on this project, if you are not as proactive as I am. I am still on schedule with what I needed to get done with this week, but had to re-plan for the next upcoming weeks. Here is my new outline with all my new dates. 

Chloe Kraus Outline
Revised on February 9th 2014

February 11th- Finish Editing up to smoke
Blogger: A render of project so far
February 16th – Bow and star sequence done (I know this is on a weekend but I have the software at home to work on this)
Blogger: Share difficulties going from school to home with the project. Blog a rough render of the bow.
February 18th- 20th-  Draw dragon scene
February 21st- Fire and World done, start on the far away text sequence
Blogger: Share difficulties with After Effects FX and how to render in a better quality. Blog a render of project up to this point.
February 26th- Dragon and ring done
Blogger: Blog about the difficulties you have drawing the dragon and how you overcame it.
March 4th- Edit and clean up
Blogger: Blog about your view on kinetic typography and how it is used in our society today. No render until the end
March 10th- Start title sequence and dedication
Blogger: Blog about your personal experience with the project, how emotionally you feel about it and how you will put that to use in your later projects.
March 13th- Project Finished
Blogger: Blog final render of the animation and pray it looks amazing!

Monday, February 3, 2014

First Render

Here is a link to look at what I have done so far, there will be a light effect between the words sun and smoke, but it was lagging so I had to leave it out until Mr. Netterville can help me. This project has made me confront some difficulties many animators have, but I am still on schedule even with the snow days. I will keep you posted on anything I do at home or in my free time. Thanks! 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Outline for Project

Chloe Kraus
Emagine Dates
January 30th- Finish storyboarding (1 hr. 30 mins)
Start searching for tutorials for FX
Blog: Copy of storyboard

February 4th finish all drawings for project; start animating the movement of the pictures. (2 hours)
Blog: Rough render of sun scene and the smoke FX

February 6th start smoke effect
(20 minutes-tutorial, 3 days)

February 11th Smoke and bullet scene should be done

February 12th Finish shooting star movement to form the bow start on the fire and explosion
(30 minutes-tutorial, 2 hours editing)
Blog: A render of the project so far.

February 21st Finish fire, explosion FX. Finish the swirls with the words. Start magnified glass and dragon (try to finish dragon and magnified glass, might not happen.)
(25 minutes-tutorial)
Blog: Share your difficulties so far with the project and any suggestions to people trying the same thing. Add a render of the project so far.

February 26th (If not finished finish dragon and magnified glass) Start on the road and car and finish (shouldn’t take you that long)
(2-3 hours)
Blog: Talk about your view on kinetic typography and how it is compared to your project. Post a render of what you have.

March 7th Finish editing and cleaning it up. Make sure it looks nice and pretty.
(2-3 days)
Blog: Share your personal experience and “change” throughout the project and finally revile your reason or motivation for doing this project.

March 12th (If time allows) Start “title” and “dedication” sequence.
(2 days)

March 13th Finish Title and Dedication sequence.