Thursday, January 30, 2014

My Purpose

It has already been a long journey, and I have only just finished story boarding. I started with a kinetic typography from a scene from Saving Private Ryan, but I felt that I did not connect with the scene. When you watch a kinetic typography, you don't realize it, but the words are put on the screen a certain way to give each of them a meaning or purpose. I changed my project a week after I had begun work on it. People asked how far behind I was now, for losing a weeks worth of work is hard on an animator. I tell them that I had a purpose for it now. I am currently hitting a rough patch in my life, my dad's best friend, who is practically his brother has stage four brain cancer and has about two to three weeks to live. My dad has been getting really emotional and saddened by the soon lose of his friend, which is not only bringing him down, but our whole family as well. My dad's friend is married and has three young children. I felt that he deserves a happy ending to start his "new life." I felt that a song such as the one I have chosen would be motivational and encouraging, not just to him, but to his kids. I have chosen the song Atlas by Coldplay, I feel that the song is about being strong and standing up for yourself and for the ones you love. I hope that all my emotions are shown throughout this piece, and move the audience like it moves me. For the title sequence I will be putting a dedication for my dad's friend, who changed my perspective on life fore ever. I don't normally share these type of things with people, but if I can show people that they can love the life they have through animation, I want to do that, I want to give hope and happiness to people and have them be on a higher note in the future.

Friday, January 10, 2014

My Personality Type

My Myers-Briggs personality type is ESFP, which is Extravert (11%), Sensing (1%), Feeling (25%) and Perceiving (22%). This personality test really does work, for I m outgoing and friendly to everyone I meet. I love people, but I get attached to materials or things easily. I am a hard worker and try and get the best realistic results, but still have fun in  school and my actual job. I am able to adapt to the way people feel to make them happy and comfortable. I like to learn by watching other people before I attempt anything. I have the same type as the famous Steven Spielberg, and the not so great Justin Beiber. 

(A.) I believe that the Myers-Briggs personality type is 99% correct on my personality type. The only thing that is not spot on is, that I do not enjoy working with others as much, and have to work on my team building skills. (B.) I am always very conscious of the way I act, and how unique I really am. This test did not show me anything different from what I had already known. I actually have somewhat of a gift in being able to tell what personality and mood people are in, and try to help them feel either better or just to leave them alone. (C.) At work and in groups, I tend to be the leader. I do not like other people telling me how to do my job, or that I am doing something wrong. I try to stay quiet the first couple of days during group work, but by the third day, I end up taking over the project completely. (D.) Ever since first grade and up to Freshman year I have been bullied and made fun of in and out of school. I was always the odd man out, the one in class who did not have a partner for projects and the one at the end of the lunch table by myself. I proved them wrong by standing up for myself and not caring about what other people say about me, I mean you can ask anyone I know and they will say I am the biggest nerd in the world. In the past that would bother me, but now it has a different meaning and I am proud of who I have become and hope I continue to stay myself throughout my life. (E.) The Myers-Briggs personality assessment showed that I really am liked by other people and that they actually appreciate me. I never thought those two would go together, but look at me now.